Sunday, November 28, 2010

non-standard liquid measurement

Pupils get confuse when seeing new things in their lives. Pupils will be curious and wonder how it maybe happened. Example, a packet of milk pours out in to two same glasses. Then the same milk pour into a different size of glass, the height of the milk become different. Pupils start ask question, is it the same amount of milk or its gone somewhere in between.

As a teacher, we should explain into a real concrete manner and help pupils see the actual situation happened. It can also be apply to other discipline. Same amount of liquid in different container can have different height.

In this video clip, a lady show a kid, two glass of milk. The lady ask are both the milk have the same amount of either of the glass have more milk. The kid places the two glass of milk side by side and compares the height of the milk and said “the same”. The kid is very sure for his answer. The lady later pours the same milk into a “thinner and higher glass”. And the result the second glass milk has much higher level of milk. The kid said the higher milk has the more amount of milk.

From this video clip, we learn that kid may have different concept of same and more liquid in different container. The higher liquid in a container has a higher volume of liquid. Therefore, we must do assessment and experiment to introduce pupils to learn the actual fact and figure how to manipulate concrete material in teaching volume of liquid.

Lesson plan (1)
Mathematics year 2
Date : 26.10.2010 (Tuesday)

Time : 9.30 to 10.30am

Duration : 1 hour

Total pupils : 20 pupils

Title : Volume of liquid

Subtopic : Measure and compare volume of liquid

Objectives : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to write down different capacity of liquid volume

Learning outcome : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to differentiate different capacity liquid volumes using non standard measurement

Previous knowledge : -

Vocabulary : Volume, liquid, more, less, equal

Morale value : Value water, cooperation,

Teaching learning activities

Group Excellent(fast learner)

TimeTeaching Learning ActivitiesRemarks
Set induction
(5 minutes)
Video clip and teacher show water containers. 
Step 1
(15 minutes)

-Teacher shows a jug, plastic cup, mug and a glass.

-Teacher asks pupils if a jug able to fill in how many plastic cup, mug and glass.

-Teacher let pupils measure and write down in assessment worksheet.

-plastic cup
Step 2
(20 minutes)

-Teacher show 4 containers.

-Each container has different size but fill in with same height of water.

-Teacher ask pupils question and pupils reply

4 different size container
Step 3
(15 minutes)

-Teacher divides pupils in small groups of 4 pupils.

-Give pupils container and assessment paper to do work in groups.





-aluminum tin

-watering pot


-Teacher rap up conclusion of today’s lesson.

-Teacher tells important water pupils.

-Learn to save water

Lesson plan (2)
Mathematics year 2
Date : 27.10.2010 (Wednesday)

Time : 9.00 to 10.00am

Duration : 1 hour

Total pupils : 24 pupils

Title : Volume of liquid

Subtopic : Measure and compare volume of liquid

Objectives : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to write down different capacity of liquid volume

Learning outcome : At the end of this lesson, pupils able to differentiate different capacity liquid volumes using non standard measurement

Previous knowledge : -

Vocabulary : Volume, liquid, more, less, equal

Morale value : Value water, cooperation,

Teaching learning activities

Group Independent (slow learner)
TimeTeaching Learning ActivitiesRemarks
Set induction
(5 minutes)
-Video clip

-Teacher ask pupils drink how much water in a day.

-Teacher asks pupils what pupils drink during breakfast.
Drink 7 cups of water in a day.

Pupils having milo, horlick, milk during breakfast

Step 1
(15 minutes)

-Teacher shows pupils 2 packets of orange juice and glasses.

-Teacher ask pupils what different between this two orange juice.

-Pupils reply one is bigger and one is smaller.

-Teacher asks show pupils and pour orange juice into glasses and count total of glasses

-Teacher ask pupils questions.

vocabulary = More , less, full
Step 2
(20 minutes)

-Teacher divides pupils into group of 4.

-Each groups given instruction to measure water mineral container.

-Teacher tells pupils to write down in assessment / worksheet.

tools= different size of mineral water, worksheet
Step 3 (15 minutes)

-Teacher distributes assessment to pupils.

-Pupils need to finish assessment individually within 10 minutes.

-Teacher uses 5 minutes to discuss answers.

Course work / assessment


-Teacher rap up conclusion of today’s lesson.

-Teacher tells important water pupils.

-Learn to save water


Teacher asks pupils,

  • A kettle of 1.7 liter can fill up how many plastic cups? 12

  • A kettle of 1.7 liter can fill up how many mugs? 7

  • A kettle of 1.7 liter can fill up how many glasses? 5


    There are four containers on the table. Each container is label as A, B, C, and D.

    Fill in the blanks.

  • Container B has the smallest volume of water.

  • Container D has the largest volume of water.

  • Container A and C has the same volume of water.

    Record results in the table.

    Mineral bottle Plastic cup Chinese spoon

    (a) pile

    (b) pot

    (c) cup

    (d) glass

    (e) aluminum tin

    (f) watering pot


    There is two orange juice that can be fill in to glasses

    Record results in the table.

    Orange juice glass
    Big packet
    Small packet

  • Container A holds 5 glasses of orange juice.

  • Container B holds 3 glasses of orange juice.

  • Container A holds more orange juice than container B

  • Container B holds less orange juice than container A

    Teacher prepare a kettle, and 3 containers (A = plastic
    cup, B = mug, and C = glass)

    Record results in the table.

    Mineral bottle Plastic cup Chinese spoon

    Teaching Aids / Tools

  • Container with different size.

  • Jug, plastic cup, mug and a glass.

  • Can be found in house and school.

  • No need to spend money to buy.

    Tools that we need to do this assessment:

  • (a) pile

  • (b) pot

  • (c) cup

  • (d) glass

  • (e) aluminum tin

  • (f) watering pot

    It is easy for pupils to learn by using concrete materials when conducting lesson. These

    entire water containers can be easily available in house and school. We can
    borrow the materials. Therefore it saves a lot of money and no need to buy it.

    Marigold packed drinks

    This Marigold orange juice is a concrete material that is very easy to teach volume of liquid. Teacher prepares 2 bottle
    of Marigold size of 1 liter and 1.89 liter for doing this assessment. Teacher asks pupils each packet of Marigold Peel Fresh Orange can fill up how many
    glasses. Teacher intent to give pupils guessing so it can built a foundation of evaluating a big packet of orange juice (1.89 liter) have more glasses than small packet of orange juice (1 liter).

    Pupils’ mineral bottles.

    We ask pupils to bring mineral
    bottles from their house. Everyone contribute a unused or recyclable mineral bottles. Cost of mineral bottle will be zero. Teacher will select different type of bottle and ask pupils the shape and size of mineral bottle.


    Based on this assessment and experiment, teacher able to show pupils that amount of liquid is
    not base to the height of the container. It consist the size of the container and the height. Teacher also introduces vocabulary such as more, less, equal in this lesson. By
    direct comparing liquid using the same container is easy because the higher the liquid shows the more liquid in the container.

    When using different container, teacher suggest by using another container to measure how
    many container can fill in example, a packet of orange juice to measure how many glasses can fill
    in. All this exercises assist with concrete material help pupils to built stronger foundation and more understanding what they have learn. Later in second lesson, teacher can introduce a more accurate
    evaluating volume liquid using a standard measurement. By that time, teacher gives pupils to learn more vocabulary such as liter, milliliter, graduate cylinder and others.